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    Term Deposits

    With your initial investment 100% guaranteed, lock in your savings and watch them grow – worry free

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    Why invest in a term deposit?

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    Worry-free investment

    Earn guaranteed interest on your investment without any risk of losing your principal.

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    Flexible options

    Choose from a variety of investment terms and interest rates to suit your specific needs.

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    Fully insured

    Feel secure in your investment with insurance provided by the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation.

    Access the funds you need whenever you need them

    Term Deposit (GIC)

    Perfect for you if…

    You're looking to lock in an interest rate for a set amount of time – low risk investing at its best.

    Key features
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Term Deposit (GIC)

    Perfect for you if…

    You're looking to lock in an interest rate for a set amount of time – low risk investing at its best.

    Key features
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Get your term deposit more ways

    Not sure which term deposit is right for you?

    We’ll be happy to help you pinpoint the option that best suits your goals.

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    Brief, punchy intro to a promo or cross-promo (e.g. Financial Planning). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.

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    Promo or cross-promo headline here

    Brief, punchy intro to a promo or cross-promo (e.g. Mutual Funds). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.

    Investing rates

    Take a look at the latest, competitive rates on offer for our term deposits.

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    Level up your financial know-how

    Guide to saving & investing, opens in a new tab

    Want to learn more about investing? Wish you could save more and spend less? This guide has you covered. 

    Ethical investing: What is it? , opens in a new tab

    What are ethical investments? We’re here to explain the basics and debunk some myths you may have heard.


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    Commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est velit. Semper eget duis at tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque. Eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla. Consequat mauris nunc congue nisi. Massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin. Pulvinar etiam non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et. Ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in. Turpis in eu mi bibendum. Nisl condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae. Interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim.